Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Technological Addiction

We finally have internet at our home. I never really realize how much I miss having it at my immediate disposal until I've been without it for a while. There have been several times during our marriage where we have been without internet for long periods of time, and when we we finally get it back, its a race to the computer. We've actually had to set time limits for ourselves or else one person will dominate the computer for hours!

We're actually paying for our internet as well. For a while we were able to "steal" internet from a few people who were broadcasting their own internet with a little wireless reciever. That lasted for a few months until, as is very common in an apartment complex, those we were "stealing" from decided to move. That was a sad day.

The most exciting thing for me about having the internet is being able to stay connected better. It allows me to be more consistant in my e-mails, in blogging, and in keeping up on current events. I can do all those things at work, but my time is limited while I am there.

Speaking of work, it was pretty good today. I feel like I accomplished a lot. One thing I like about my current position is the neat things I get to learn how to do. Since I'm the only person at the shop, I get to make purchase orders, deal with vendors, deal with customers. The other day I got to be the first to use our new financing program. And because I'm the one who has dealt most with this particular bank, my boss has asked me to work out a deal with them to see what kind of lower payments we can work out for our customers with good credit. I also am working on a project to get some of our product displayed in one of their local branches.

My boss asked me to get us a booth at the fair as well. That was a fun project. It didn't take very long either. I just had to make a few phone calls and fill out a form. And on Friday I need to follow up and make sure our application was recieved.

It amazes me how easy some of this stuff is. And it's nice that my boss trusts me to get this stuff done. Part of it is because I'm the only one at the shop, but he leaves me at the shop because I kind of know what I'm doing. Sure I'm not perfect, but he's a pretty laid back guy, and he's pretty cool about mistakes, and allows for a learning curve. It's been a good educational opportunity for me.

That's one of the reasons I have a hard time wanting to leave here. I learn so much, and each day it seems like I have more and more responsability. I learn more and more about sales, dealing with people, being a manager (even though I'm not one, just acting manager). I have my days where the disorganization gets to me, but I always come back to the thought that one day, when I've learned all I can from this job, I will have had experiences that were far more valuable than the pay I recieved. I feel like in the end it will all have been worth it. I feel like after this job, I can do anything.

I like being the contact person for our vendors. I like being the one to try and generate sales, and to come up with ideas on how to improve things. I've only been at it for a few weeks, but maybe it would be a good idea to really take an active roll in improving the company. To really make things happen. Like Andy said in his reply to my last post. I have been really stressed out lately, and not really part of the solution. I have been more a part of the problem. Maybe I need to just show some more initiative, and really make myself valuable to this company. Because I can see this company really having a lot of potential. Our vendors really seem to like us, so we have the potential to expand a lot. To really become something good. Really good. And my boss can't do it all on his own, he's gonna need help. Maybe I could be that help.

I'll have to kick around some ideas and do some research. I wonder what it is that we could be doing better? Things that don't cost the company a whole lot of money. Little things. Hmmm.
Let's see what I come up with. Ideas are always welcome from anyone who has any!

T. Adam Martin.


Andy Jensen said...

Welcome back to the world of internet addiction! Don't forget to check out The Miracle Treatment at Your wife will probably hate me for reminding you of that because once you start reading it, I am sure you will be hooked. The link directly to the story folder is Just pay attention to the chapter numbers because they are in reverse order there.

What are some of the challenges your business is facing? You should also pick your vendors brains for what other companies outside your area are doing that is working out well for them. They can be a great resource for you as you develop a better relationship with them both for your current business and for if/when you make a job transition if you want to continue this line of work.

Seeing as how this is the slow time of year for your company, look for opportunities to get your company name out there much like the booth at the fair. Maybe this is a good time of year to become a sponsor at fitness/sporting events or if not sponsorship find out about setting up booths at events for non-participants to visit. Contact the 3 Rivers Road Runners association ( and see if you can't set up a booth at their race events near the starting/finish lines. If they think it is going to detract from what they are doing, talk with them and other vendors around the city about doing a full-blown fitness event at 2-3 of their races over the summer where 3 Rivers is hosting the race and you and other vendors are showing spectators the various fitness equipment available. Just an idea.

Andy Jensen said...

The link for The Miracle Treatment didn't show up too well so just go to and in the search field type in the number 1029749 and it will bring up the link for the folder that contains all the chapters. Later!