Monday, September 1, 2008

Learn Something New Every Day...

Had a good time in Seattle! It was rainy, and I forgot how much I like the rain! And I forgot how much I like the greens over there.

I got a 99% in my class, and I learned a whole bunch about commercial video distribution! I am really excited about it. I love to learn about how things work, and how to build/fix things. So now I know everything there is to know about Cable, and how to distribute the signal to many tv's.

Well, not everything there is to know... :0)

I wish I could go into a lot of detail in here about what I learned. But that would bore my very few readers to tears, and perhaps they would quit reading. Suffice it to say, it's really cool!

I can't wait to put the things I've learned to practice! I think it will be so fun to do this! I wonder what other applications this will have for my life!

1 comment:

Andy Jensen said...

Does this mean you now know how to fix all your friends and family up with free cable TV and all the movie channels?