Thursday, October 25, 2012


I wonder how much our mortal brains can hold before they explode?

The past 3 1/2 years that I have been at my current job, I have learned, and learned, and learned. Now my head is full of all these things and sometimes it feels like there is so much there that I can't possibly fit anymore.

And the past 2 years I have spent pursuing an IT degree have also contributed to that.

I frequently feel myself butting up against the limits of my capabilities to learn, as if it were a physical wall. When I do I imagine myself banging my fists against it and screaming "NO!! I WANT TO LEARN MORE!!"

It is so frustrating.

I will be reading about some technical topic trying to wrap my brain around it, and I feel my brain start to get fuzzy. Eventually, I am just staring at a page with words on it, not gaining anything. At that point I have to step back and admit defeat for the moment.

I hate that. I want to know it all, and I want to know it now!

I am a pretty smart guy. If I take breaks, I can come back a topic that has been eluding me and understand it. I just hate the wait. It takes longer than I want.

I suppose I should just learn patience. There are just so many things I want to do, and I feel so limited by my lack of knowledge.

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