Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ubuntu for now.

Originally I didn't like Ubuntu as much as I did Debian. I can't remember all the reasons I didn't like it, but I know the biggest reason was the whole having to type "sudo" in front of everything instead of logging into the terminal as root. Also, I didn't like the idea of not having a master root account and password. Being able to use the same password that I logged on with to act as root seemed like a security risk to me and bothered me as well, sudoers file or no. I guess to an Ubuntu system administrator, those two reasons for having a problem with Ubuntu would definitely show my ignorance on the subject, but until I learn otherwise, it will still bother me a little bit.

Anyways, I now have an Ubuntu box joined to the domain at work, and my wife and I have a laptop that we run Ubuntu on as well, because we didn't want to pay for another Windows 7 license (I really like 7 as well, it is so far Microsoft's best in my opinion... I hate Vista!). Both my wife and I really like it. I probably like it way more that she does.

Ubuntu just has a great look and feel, and is easily customizable. I love how I have pretty much complete control over every aspect of the operating system, and if there is anything I don't know how to do, there is a great Ubuntu community online, and the answers are within easy reach.

The linux command line syntax is intuitive and simple. It's funny, I find myself trying to use linux commands in the Windows command prompt. Just FYI, ls -a doesn't work in Windows. I know you cared. No really, you did.

Anyways, I have been recommending Ubuntu on Facebook, and to any one who will listen as an operating system. It's free, it's easy to install, and it does everything most people will want it to do.

After playing around with Ubuntu for a while, I think I will see what Fedora is like. After that... I don't know... SuSe is mentioned a lot, as is Slackware and Mint. we'll see!

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